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Already posted this on another thread, but here it goes...

About Gamespot's 8.5 review:

Their problems with the game included they thought it was 'too easy' because of the controls. Ummm, why, because dual analog sucks? Because it's hell to aim with a thumbstick? Would they rather struggle through the game with a 1/2 inch joystick?? Do crappy controls (aka 'harder') make shooters more fun? Do these idiots rate PC shooters as 'too easy' because aiming with the mouse is like point and click??

They also said that it 'Doesn't do much different than the previous two'. Uhhhh... it's a sequel. Duh. It's not gonna reinvent the freakin wheel. And what about the control system that is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT??

I don't think the review is fair at all. Gamespot is a reviewer that has been pretty biased against Nintendo platforms for a while. I guess their crap won't stop now :(. Oh well, I'll just stick with IGN like I always have, they are pretty fair across the board.