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The recently released first Rune Factory is amazing, and this new one is looking even better.





Note the island, looks as though there will be plenty to do in this one, a US release date is not planned yet, but should see an early 08 release.


"Finally, I am able to announce Rune Factory 2," commented Hashimoto Yoshifumi, the head producer on the Marvelous Interactive production team. "The protagonist this time is a new character, named Gairu, but if you examine the plot you'll see the connections between this setting and the previous game. The game's content has been enhanced from last time, and we incorporated many new features! Of course you can play it just like the first game, but we feel there weren't enough parts that would really make you shout, 'Cool!' This time we've given you a lot of neat, new stuff, so please sit tight a little longer."