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Yay I received my present - thanks Santa


What's really great is that it was Paper Mario. I've been wanting to try the Paper Mario series for ages and I've been considering buying the Paper Mario games for GC and Wii so it'll be good to try the N64 version first to see if I like it.


Thanks again to my mystery Santa and to Noname2200 for all his hard work :)

Mario Kart Wii Friend Code: 3308-4850-9342 / STEAM ID: makepeacefox

"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

"Watchmen" is far better than The Dark Knight / Why does no-one own this wonderful game: Fragile Allegiance? / Speak (Type) Italian to me!

Disloyal member of the LFGM