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Step 1 - Release game

Step 2 - Put out game in store shelves at launch

Step 3 - Pull game from shelves before the holiday season


WTF am I talking about? Let me briefly explain. I was at Toys R Us last night, looking to pick up Tiger Woods All Play for my dad. I couldnt find it. In fact, I couldnt even find the placeholder for it. To go further, I couldn't find ANY EA sports games for the Wii on the shelves, NOR placeholders to show they were sold out.

Considering how many people use Toys R Us as their game supplier, I find it really odd that EA would allow this lack of product to occur within 4 months of the all-play series release. This will surely hinder good results for sales of the All Play games. Can't sell what's not available to the customer.

Anyone else notice a lack of these games on the shelves?