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SMcc1887 said:
kowenicki said:
@smcc1887 no they arent. Sony are losing money... MS arent. how do you measure success????

If you combine all Sony systems together against the Xbox 360

Sony systems have:

Sold/sell the most hardware

Xbox 360 > PS2 + PS3 combined.

Made more money than the Xbox and Xbox 360 has

Thats one statistic which is changing fast.

Sold/sell the most software.

Xbox 360 > PS3 + PS2 + PSP last week

Have the most 3rd Party support


Have the most 1st Party support

Its costing their shirt to do it, sure.


They are in an unprofitable patch at the minute, so once they get PS3 to the break even stage they will be even more successful.

 Even more successful than?


