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RayRay102 said:
Roflinator said:
RayRay102 said:
Have you seen the preview for Dead Rising for the Wii? It has like 10 zombies on screen at a time compare to the hundreds on the 360.

There is no way L4D can be done on the Wii as the AI director, Zombies on screen and environment details are too much for the Wii to handle. Now, if we can somehow use the Wiimote on the 360, then that will be the bomb!




I could of have sworn the latest trailer had at least a hundred zombies, or nearly. >_>

According to the preview it never has more than a dozen zombies at a time


Okay, I'm wrong about the hundred, I exaggerated. But the fact the game can't show more than a dozen is wrong.

Plus, that article was in August. Capcom has been trying to improve the game since then. The recent trailer (December) from what I've saw, showed atleast 3 dozen zombies or so. (The first vid, I think)

The part with the car has a decent amount of zombies. If that game can pull it off, then a L4D Wii port can too. I was able to count at least 40 zombies in one frame alone. Not including the ones extremely far away at the top right, since the logo is in the way.