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Um, several reasons spring to mind

A higher proportion of the 360 audience are core gamers, who frequent sites like this, and consequently know the release dates of games as soon as they are announced.

In comparison, a higher proportion of the Wii's audience are casualz, who only hear about a game when it starts being advertised

Games on the Wii also (how to say this without being derogatory) have lasting appeal. Due to various reasons, a 360 game usually stops selling at all when the sequel comes out.

And this is probably going to be even more contentious - there're just too many good games for Wii owners to buy day 1 (once again, taking into account that the Wii's extended audience games less per week) I have a wishlist of released games longer than my list of purchased games, because there're just so many good and varied games, hence Wii games sell as people eventually go back through their Wishlist