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So your predicting that the PS3 will sell at 228% of its probable sales total of this week. During the coarse of the next ten days. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to view last years charts. That did show that the console was capable of selling 1.2 million within your given time frame.

However while you were viewing those numbers you neglected to compare this week to its comparable week last year. The console year over year is selling at only 45% of what it sold the previous year. Going forward the console in the next ten days if all things were equal would only sell 540,000 units. Which would actually make some sense. Were it not for the fact that the consoles sales slipped week over week last year. The console actually sold worse Christmas week. Accounting for only 88% of the previous weeks sales.

Taking that into account next week the sales should be closer to 460,000, and even if it saw sales par for last year which was one hundred thousand a day. With four days remaining in this year which is incredibly improbable. You still have no hope of reaching that sales figure. More then likely your going to see around 700,000 at most. Which leaves you half a million off of the mark.

You sir should have your prediction privileges revoked. Not because you are always wrong, or because you are blatantly biased. You make no effort what so ever. Your only hope of that prediction coming to pass is a Christmas miracle, or Ioi having to radically revise the figures. Have the decency to at least provide a somewhat rational reason. Beyond the reading of tea leaves. You have the tools to do this, and you choose not to use them.

Stop spouting shit, and have some self respect. Do you like having people laugh at you? That is what everyone in this thread did when they saw your prediction. They laughed at you.