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heruamon said:
I'll believe it when I see it...M$ hasn't missed any numbers, or seen any downturn in revenue estimates, but it's on out of the realm of possibility for them to launch a pre-emptive question would be where. From the last report, there were no reported lagging divisions to justify a 10,000 person cut, for a company with 91,00 employees...slicing over 10% of your workforce, when you've not missed any quarterly profit targets, and you're in a battle to retain good people against google would be huge. The morale hit alone would be titanic, but stranger things have happened.

This. The most interesting thing is - MS has misses, but not many. Yeah, they've had their turds too, but for the most part, MS has dominance and made money off the dominance. MS has been profitable for a few quarters now. With the RROD paid off almost a year and a half ago - maybe longer - they are focusing on raising those profit margins.

Sony has been bleeding since a few quarters after the PS3 came out. The PS3 was selling so well they waited nearly 2 years to make a price cut. Even with RROD, Sony has been beating the 360 since it came out. Now, Sony is looking to dethrone the Wii. Sony has the Wii right where they want 'em. - STOP. Let a PS3 fanbot tell it - MS has earn one thing this gen - cred. They can roll out the 720 with proven IPs - and further bolster LIVE and streaming movie services.

They are rarely off in their numbers - and we'd be hearing more than rumblings from the MSM.