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DMeisterJ said:

No, people are accepting the Wii's success, as you look at sales, if you don't accept it, you're a tool.

But LBP is not getting that same kind of love.  And if Uncharted is any indication, people will never admit they were incorrect.  That's what's worrying.

 Unfortunately you can blame the hardcore PS3 fanboys for that one. You certainly helped a lot in that department as well. The "LBP will be HUGE" joke was pretty funny for a while. Sadly, it got taken and twisted into a full blown fanboy meme for why the PS3 would start to dominate. This of course set the bar way way too high for what the game could deliver. I remember people trying to mock me for saying that a 2-3 million opening week was completely out of the question. The super hardcore fanboys always cause massive backlash for games sadly. Hopefully the fact that The Conduit will comfort you somewhat.

 For wgar i is worth I am happy to see how successful the game is. It is hitting about what I figured the best case scenarion would be. I am ecstatic that this kind of quircky fun game is doing so well. This gives me great hope for the future games like Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Dokapon Kingdom, de Blob and other oddball titles that deserve far better sales than they ever get.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229