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..... Struggles


The fallout from these NPD numbers sent many journalists into a sky-is-falling panic, with mainstream outlets such as TIME and CNN Money penning ridiculously reactionary pieces with an eagerly eulogistic tone. Senseless claims such as "the PS3 just doesn't have any must-have titles exclusive to the console" and "no one seems to care about high-def DVDs" fly in the face of logic, critical consensus, and solid sales figures. While the crumbling economy is definitely slowing HDTV and Blu-Ray adoption (which in turn hurt PS3 sales), the recent success of The Dark Knight on Blu-Ray (claiming a higher-than-expected 30% of overall sales) seems promising. But these alarming reports do get one thing right--Sony will likely have to reduce the PS3's asking price in 2009. Even with a solid slate of impressive first-party titles on the horizon, the console remains prohibitively priced for many gamers.

Interesting reading but the conclusion is basically the same, Sony needs a price drop, bla, bla. Honestly I think that a better production cost for the games'll be a better strategy, also a new commercial campaign (please no more crying dolls and giant sackboys following couples in dark alleys)