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misterd said:


I told no one to STFU-  It was the original acticle and poster that was telling Time to STFU - I just mocked them for it.

Now you still haven't addressed any major points:

1) Sony has lost 3 billion on the PS3, and looks to lose even more.

A: PS1 lost alot too when it was released, PS2 lost even more, PS3 lost even more then them. Sony knew this would happen already, they don't care. Their plan is to recoup on the losses down the line with game sales and then make profit off of the system later down the 10 year life cycle(and yes, I said 10 year life cycle)

2) Sony has dropped from a 70% to 20% market share.

A: They are the most exspensive on the market which puts them out of the reach of common consumers within this recession. This is temerary. Casualty of trying to be innovative with their hardware. Will be recouped within 10 year life cycle so who cares.

3) The PS3 still doesn't have a game that looks like it'll reverse their fortune.

A: Playstation has never survived off of one game. It has always been the mass bulk of quality that drove the PS franchise to the top. THey are doing the same this gen as well. Refer to IGNs charts on PS3 excels at quality games over quantity as the 360 does. THe PS3 also has more quality games then 360 does. When the PS3's price drops all of this will become much more apparent to the consumer and they will realize what a marvelous thing the PS3 is.Oh yea, 10 year life cycle!

4) The console is now selling less than it did a year ago, is firmly entrenched in third place, and is losing ground each week - slowly to the 360, quickly to the Wii.

A: Yea, It started selling less then last year right around the same time the 360 went for a price cut. But no, don't mention that little tid bit for they have nothing to do with each other....right?

You explain to me how these facts don't show the PS3 as a major misstep by Sony, and I'll concede that Time was completely off the mark.

A: The PS3 issues are simply being massively overblown for different reasons by media and fanboys alike. Here are some facts to throw into the hater machine. PS3 has more quality games then the 360 had each consecutive year in it's life span. PS3 is better made hardware by a mile then the 360 OR Wii is and is truthfully the best deal for a system. PS3 does just about on par with the 360, its main competitor at a much higher price point. The PS3 is/ or at least was gaining on the one year lead the 360 had on it. The PS3 can out last the other two systems with pure staying power, seeing as they have taken the time to add in features and things that later on down the line consumers will definitely be looking at. Lastly, BluRay, check the recent sales on N4G and other sites, it is prevailing. Oh and 10 year life cycle, BELIEVE IT!!!!







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