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in the epic words of Riley and Huey from "The Boondocks" show....
"You know you ain't nobody unless you got haters!"
"So you base the success of your life on the amount of ill will you generate?"

I mean, it is human nature to want to tear down the extremely popular. Why do so many people say they hate emo music? Because 70% of america listens to it thats why. My friend says he hates it up and down, yet he likes My Chemical Romance ?!?! His defense is he just likes a few songs by them, Helena for one, but doesn't like Emo. I tell him he sounds stupid because Helena is an EXTREMELY Emo song, so in turn he likes emo, of course he refutes. Or how we have famous people, Brittney Spears for one. She was on the top of the world, Greatest Hit after Greatest Hit. Yet the second she steps out of line, media comes down with the ban hammer. Everything starts getting blown out of proportion and destroys her image. Now everyone looks down on her.

SO the PS3 is the EMO Music/ Brittney Spears of this gaming generation. But just like the examples, it is unwarranted resentment for the rich,powerful, and famous that drives the human mind crazy making them want it to fail.


Don't forget to add the fact that the world is in recession and as the saying goes..."You hate what you can't have..." I think American publications in particular are exceptionally cruel to the PS3 because the US NEEDS american products to do extremely well for it will greatly help our economy. I mean, video games are the biggest entertainment industry right now. American cars are on the verge of bankruptcy, we desperately need a product that can be said that it is made in america. I think this drives bias in american media.

My two cents...




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)