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It always takes time to get used to something. But as HappySqurriel stated I see the Problem with the developers. Maybe it's really this quick cash-in mentallity, I don't know. But everyone looks different at things... It's like disaster - day of crisis. Many People and Reviewers stated that the graphics are very dated, weak, whatever. I just love it. Some parts really look weaker than others but there is so much atmosphere and really good effects (imo) and in most parts the graphics are really good... Not as high as they could be... but really good... But maybe that's just me not being a graphic-whore... I don't know... We will see a lot of good graphics in the future I believe. This is just the beginning... And I can't say I need more... But I am happy if I will have some more "omg-beautiful"-moments like I had with Disaster :) btw go and buy it if you can... I want high sales = sequel :)

And I have to agree in some way with Nintendo: Graphics were close to enough last gen. Like REmake, beyond good & evil etc. There is always more as can be seen but I'd rather have a 20 hour game with that graphics than a 4 hour game which took 5 years to develop... But again that's just me (I even didn't like the praised heavy rain graphics so far... feels like somtehing is missing... anyway, may change...)

I am sure that we will have the time that multiplat titles will look great on ps3/xbox360 and as good as on a normal pc (don't know... 800x600 stable resolution to compare) on Wii. I'm not asking for CGI-Quality ingame graphics... just for some effort from developers...

Man I wrote too much, hope I didn't get lost in my writing without saying something on topic ^^

“And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.” -Terry Pratchett