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Kasz216 said:
ChichiriMuyo said:
I didn't say I wouldn't buy 13 if I already had a PS3, I said it's a tentative purchase until it proves to be good. And it'd have to be really, really good to get me to buy a PS3 (and, you know, not on 360) while I have no doubt an FF7 remake would meet my quality standards. IF something got me to buy a next gen system and FF13 is good, of course I'll buy it, but it pales in comparison to the excitement FF7 would cause.

Also, while my evidence being anecdotal, there's really no other sort. There's no way to gauge just how much more excited people would be about a theoretical FF7 release when no one has seen a single hair of it, but what I have seen is a distinct lack of excitement for FF13. People cared when FFX was coming out, nobody seemed to talk about much other than FF7 after the TV ads started all the way until FF8 was released, yet I never hear anyone talk about FF13. It barely even gets talked about on forums except when people ask much better/worse an FF7 release would do or how it's not exclusive anymore. FF7 was the peak of the series, and to this day I still come across more conversation about it than the upcoming FF13.

I've already said FF13 will sell more, but if both were on the same systems I can't see it being by much and if FF13 turns out to be bad it could easily be surpassed.

My point is... if you buy FF7 and a PS3... you will likely buy FF13 as well.  Thereby couting out your purchase towards the sale.

Which is my point. Any FF7 sale... even if the demand was huge.... would largely be a FF13 sale as well... making it so 13 would always come out on top.

Also if FF13 is bad.  It will still rank in the high 80s. Final Fantasy X-2 got an 85.

Also there is way to get nonanectodotal evidence to support a theoretical FF7 release.

It's called research using the scientific standards.

Anectodal evidence isn't such because people tell it to you.  It's as such because the data collected is done in an unscientific way.



You're overestimating the likelihood that I'd buy FF13.  From what I've seen I'm just not interested.  I'm more likely to buy FFV13, then I'd want otehr stuff like GT5 and MGS4 and eventually my gaming dollars will run out.  Heck, they'll run out fast.  FF13 is still pretty low on an already short list of games I'd consider purchasing.

Also, the reason why finding non-anecdotal evidence is impossible is not because there aren't methods to do it but because the logistics of such a project are immense.  It's simply not worth the money or effort that would have to be invested to get it done, especially when the general results are already well known.  Some people will by hyped about one, some the other, and the largest group would be excited about both.  Finding out the difference between the first group is relatively pointless, so the people with the will and the way simply won't.  However, the fact the FF13 will be multiplat and the proposed FF7 is not makes it very likely that the latter would be the higher seller on the PS3 only.  In fact, thanks to that factor there's virtually no chance I'd get FF13 on the PS3 to begin with, yet I'd still buy a PS3 just for FF7.  On the flipside, even when FF13 was still exclusive I never considered buying the PS3 for it.

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