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Even for an Internet forum, this is a pointless and inane topic. We're being asked to compare the sales of a game that isn't finished yet, and we know relatively little about, to the sales of a game that doesn't even exist, and probably won't ever exist. Good luck with that! All that the answers are revealing are each poster's personal feelings about the games in question - i.e., it's meaningless to get leo-j's opinions on this subject, because to him a PS3 exclusive remake of Final Fantasy 7 would be the most perfect game that could possibly exist. Nothing is based on facts, just personal fantasies.

Equally silly question: which would sell more, a Wii remake of Ocarina of Time, or a new Wii Zelda game that we have no information on? Have fun with that...

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)