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I, like many, watched in horror as Gamespot revealed to the world, that the PS3 version of Fallout 3, was shockingly inferior (their words not mine) to the PC, and XBox 360 versions. I had gotten PS3s version the day before, and hadn't gotten the time to play it yet, so I was more than just a little disappointed to hear it. Undaunted, I started a campaign anyway, and kept waiting......and waiting, and waiting. Waiting for the game to explode! I mean, that would be shocking wouldn't it? What I found was an amazing game. I am probably 15+ hours into it, and I am loving it. One of the best games I have ever played. I have to admit that I have ran across a bug or two. There was a place where an entire supermutant "fell" into a pile of rubble and couldn't get out, thus keeping me from killing him. There was also instances where enemys "bled" through walls, but I have seen that in bunches of games. I remember in COD4 at times where you could see peoples shadows from upstairs on the ceiling of the room downstairs. That was cool. I haven't played the PC or 360s versions, so there is a possibility that I may be speaking out of turn. That being said, I can't imagine the other versions being that much better as to make the PS3 version, "inferior". Shockingly inferior even. In your HONEST opinion, what do you think was this guys motivation for saying this. I mean, if he had said that they were slightly better, I could see that. Even conceed that! What irritates me most about it, is that if I had heard that before I had bought the game, that would have been enough to influence my buying decision. I would have gotten it for the PC. And seeing how involved, and long this game is, that would have sucked. I mean, it's alot more comfortable playing this game sitting on my couch with a hoagie, than it would have been sitting on a kitchen chair in my hallway. Can anyone reading this think of a good reason that this version should have been called "shockingly inferior"?