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Cobretti2 said:
zleep said:
Stop believing that, cause it will never happen. Nintendo is alright as it is now, they even sold RARE, why do you think they would be buying factor 5. They couldnt care less about 1 projetc and wont buy a company for 1 game. Just forget it.

1 project no, future developement of exclusives yes.


They sold Rare because all the talent left the company and ironically formed free radicals.



Awesome reply, really you win this thread for that, I wished I had thought to remember that.  But yeah Factor 5 has a gold mine of talent, the reason they sold RARE was because they had no use for RARE if the talent quits what's the point?  If Retro doesn't do much in the coming years it could be the same fate for them, the head guys left to make their own company that will now be published by EA, I hope they can do well in the down economic times.  But Factor 5 is ripe for the taking good talented guys that know how to make the Nintendo console look the best it possibly can much like they did with the Rouge Squadron games. 

On the note of RARE, I mean really the big talent left then the other guys went to MS where they didn't do jack until Conkers Bad Fur Day on Xbox which was just a remake, then Perfect Dark Zero which was bad... and not very "next gen" like it was supposed to be... then you get B&K:N&B which is nothing like what people expected and not that great either, so the guys at RARE got paid for doing nothing/making average games at best by Mircosoft, I mean the RARE guys got a great deal, Nintendo made a smart choice by dropping RARE and MS has yet to get something worthwhile from it lol.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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