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As we all know, BD have been touted as the main selling point, over 360, for PS3 ever since PS3 had its launch. Even these days, you still see BD being mentioned as an important feature for PS3, to offset its lack of good games. But what do the PS3 sales numbers mean to movie studios and hardware manufacturers?

Every PS3 sold to view BD movies, is away from the profitable standalone players, whether it's Sony, Toshiba or LG, only makes the industry to lose profits. Despite every PS3 being a BD capable player, every PS3 isn't used to view BD movies, unlike every standalone player, creating uncertainity among the publishers about how many BD players there are in reality and causing them to cut down their investments to BD.


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Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.