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yushire said:
COD WAWii was definitely gimped wether in graphics or features but I dont care about the graphics either, Im the one who played QoS Wii with the graphics as same as early PS2 so my standard in terms of graphics was different as long as it have good gameplay.

We just cant deny it. COD WAWii WAS GIMPED


 Well thanks for clearing it up. I agree about gameplay especially multiplayer being gimped. However Activision claimed that they "had" to do it because they "didn't want to sacrifice gfx" etc..


personally I think thats a plain lie, and like you said it was rushed because they realised shit Wii is doing well. PS3 version and 360 were in development for 2years. Wii version probably for more like a year or just over. 


In the end I think this is what has led to poor sales.

- The lack of features like the other versions.

- The poor number of available copies at launch.

- No advertising when it launched.


Now it is hard to say if Activision will force Infinity Ward to make a Wii version, since Infinity Ward could argue to Activision that CoD:WAW sold shit on Wii, that Wii isn't a CoD audience.