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So... it's at around a quarter past 4 here now in the morning, and to finish of my night I decided to tell you people how it went down. It was a night full of lulz.

It kinda started with a large dinner. I live together my my two life-long friends and along for dinner where their two girlfriends, and two other mates. The pasta we had prepared was not enough so we ended up cookering whatever we could find and mix it with rice to fill up the gaps (this would be wok-vegetables, backed sausage and bacon in tomato-sauce.) It was utter trite off course but beer managed to wash it down. We spend the next couple of hours talking about "organic abortions", all-around skankiness of British girls and the usual trashing of eachother.

With a small club of people we decided to go out, keep an easy night and just drink something in a bar. I proposed a Belgian beer-locale close by with a lot of special beers. We ended up on a table with two Americans and where generally having fun. Especially when we saw a guy get up from a barstool and immidiatly fell over unconscious on a girls lap. He was litterally dragged out to sober up on the street.
We also had quite a few laughs with a guy sitting behind us. Poor sod was also quite drunk we believe as his pants had slipped halway down revealing his crack. We spend some time dropping pieces of cardboard filts down there without him noticing.

At around 12 we ended up in a large dancehall, giggly and drunk due to the Belgian beers. I wouldn't call our moves dancing as it was more spasticly flailing to the rythm. I also made out with a girl I think was in legal age (she was able to purchase a beer but generally that doesnt say much) but I didn't wanna risk it all. Plus she was wearing this huge sweater which kinda made me suspicous.

I went home when my mate was almost falling asleep.

I'm going to bed now! So, what did you guys do? 

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->