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NJ5 said:
Squilliam said:
He who wins Christmas, goes into the new year with a lot of momentum. It will be interesting to see how many PS3s can actually sell at that price after Christmas burns through many of the people willing/able to purchase consoles at the higher price. I expect them to be down by 40% YOY.

Xbox 360 will be up YOY and ditto with Wii im guessing.

360/Wii up YOY and PS3 down is a sure bet. PS3 40% down YOY would be quite severe since it's down around 25% during the holidays. If you're right we're in for an interesting January.


Well remember MGS4 didn't sell as many systems as we though...  as did most games... which seemed to create a slow rise effect rather then a "Oh shit the games out I gotta buy that system now!" effect.

If so.  I suppose that could be used to explain some more of it being down.  Though Sony does have some fairly big First quarter releases that should help lessen such an effect.