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amirnetz said:
scottie said:

"So you honestly think that Microsofts goal is to crush Sony? This is business not childs in a sandbox. Microsoft goal this generation is to establish them as a force in the console industry and make money on it./Console sales is not like playing HALO/BRAWL/RESISTANCE and screaming "I win! I poo'ed all over you", it is a business."

Yes, Microsoft reps have stated that they were attempting to pull down Sony's dominance of the console market. Get your Google on before you hit that reply button.... 


OK. I will take it. I Googled and could not find any quote from Microsoft stating that they would "crush Sony". I did find the title "Gates says Xbox 2 will crush Sony" on TechSpot but when following its link to the source I found in the BBC article that Gates actually said "Gates says Xbox 2 will beat Sony". So a TechSpot editor decided to make a provocative title by inventing a new quote for Gates - and the intertubes just takes it as it is a fact. Check the sources guys, before you post something like this and perpetuating lies.

Microsoft is not in it to "crush Sony". Microsoft is in a business it thinks it can make money in. And like in any business that Microsoft competes in, the big money comes when you become the #1 vendor. And kids: becoming the #1 means that you have to beat anybody else with the same aspirations. I am sorry that you see it as offensive or underhanded. Beating the competition is the hallmark of any business. in fact not trying hard to beat the competition may be viewed as illigal collusion under the law.

So Microsoft, just like Sony and Nintendo, is out there to make money, and this means competing hard, taking share from the other players.



I have no idea if the word "crush" was ever used.

About the time PS2 was launching Sony exes were constantly saying in interviews that the Playstation was going to own the livingroom; it would be the device that did everything - games, movies, internet. (here's an example ) It was widely speculated at the time that this was a huge threat to MS (because if a playstation did all that and cost a fraction of a pc - who would want a pc?). Shortly thereafter MS announced the XBox.