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scottie said:
@ montreal - Yes, we do all realise that the Wii has won, and that's why we don't talk about it's sales very often. It's already accepted that it will blaze bast 50% marketshare, and scoop up lots of money and third party love along the way. But what's the point of discussing such a one sided discussion?

And whilst you are right that Soony are content to Gamecube it this gen, I do not believe Microsoft are. Their goal with the xbox was to establish a breach, their goal with the 360 was to poo all over Sony. They are making a small profit, and will likely keep the pressure on Sony, trying to force them to do something rash

So true about MS.  They have always been ruthless with their competitors.  No mercy.  So much in fact that antitrust laws have been thrown in the company's face due to their past dominance. 

Of course money is their number one priority, and throwing it away on trying to get the upper hand seems rash, but they like Sony know that the gaming business is where the cash is at.  The current hard fought battle will have major implications in the future.  The larger the share of the market the more money they stand to make, and the better positioned they are to establish themselves in the next gen.

As for the Wii, Nintendo took a huge gamble. They knew what they were up against and decided to compete on a different level.  It could have blown up in their faces, but it didnt.  So theyll just go on making their money.  However, with Sony and MS their high end consoles and big development costs have put them in a difficult position.  They need to fight for the scraps that the Wii has left in its wake. They both realize this.