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Yes, I know you're sick of PS3 price cut threads, bear with me.


We can assume that the 360 will continue to outsell the PS3 until there is either a price cut, or a new SKU for the PS3, meaning that it will outsell the PS3 for the start of 2009.


My question is, is there anything MS can do to counter the huge boost that the PS3 will get from the price cut.


I can see MS having the following options

1) Do nothing - the PS3 will start to narrow the 360's lead, but perhaps MS doesn't need to do anything


2) Counter with a price cut - this would be very effective, but I doubt MS would do this, they aren't making all that much profit as it is. Although if the PS3 price cut isn't until September or so then MS could well do it.


3) New SKU's - Seems like a good option,

boost the arcade to 512 mb internal storage, maybe even 1 gb

Boost the core to 120

Boost the elite to 250

That said, this wouldn't have to great an effect, but it would stop the 360's sales from dipping, and maybe limit how well the PS3 does a bit too

Edit: A slimbox could completely negate a PS3 price cut, but who knows if MS will have it ready in time, and they might want to hold that back for later


4) Announce 1st party exclusives they've got under wraps - MS have started announcing games closer to release date, so they no doubt have a few ready to announce


5) Moneyhat a 3rd party game, and announce that it's coming to 360

FFXIII in Japan




Kingdom Hearts


Are probably the biggest games that they could get. That said, I think the first 3 will remain PS3 exclusive, MGS5 mightn't come out this gen and the other two will likely be Wii exclusive and PSwii60 multiplatform respectively.


Anyone else think that MS have something prepared for when the PS3 gets a price cut?