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Soriku said:
c0rd said:

Sigh... and my post goes ignored. Why do I even bother putting sales info up, I wonder... apparently it doesn't mean anything.

To the doubters: once again, take a look at this

Okay, last post, I promise, even if people continue with "LOL INSTALL BASE."

So what's your expectations?

Btw, lol at STAGE.

It'll easily break 1 mil. If it doesn't it'd be a disaster. I think it could hit 1.5 mil too.

Well, the OP only asked if the game could break a million first week, so I just pointed out why the answer is obvious

It's really hard to predict how it'll sell, when we don't know what the release date is. Will it be out before or after GT5? Will they cut the price of the PS3 then? Sorta need to know the momentum of the console, and how big the userbase is at release.

Depending on when that is, first week will be anywhere from 1.3m to 1.65m. I see it selling somewhere from 2.2-2.6m lifetime.