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I just got home for the Holidays and I brought my 360 with me, and I popped in Gears 2 to play co-op with my little brother. After about 3 minutes of playing, my 360 stopped the game and said the disk was unreadable. I'm playing the game from my harddrive to begin with (I downloaded it) so it's not even running from the disk. I take the disk out, it looks perfectly fine, so I put it back in and try to play again. About 5 minutes later the same thing happens, and this goes on for about 4 more tries. I took a half hour break, went back to playing Gears, and everything worked fine.


Well, besides this one time. After beating the last part of the first act, about 15 seconds into the movie cutscene, the cutscene stops and I get a game over screen, and the game promptly puts me back at the last checkpoint. Rofl????


Anyway, no problems from there on for the next 6 hours, but I'm still a bit weary over what happened. Am I doomed?