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I do not think it's an isolated incident. Last year, I was talking to guys in their 60s who got a Wii from a relative and had just WiiSports. I know folks from all walks of life who have never touched a console have a blast on the Wii.

Case and point - at my daughter's party earlier this year, we had a mix of folks - a foreign mom with no video game experience, a mom in her mid 30s - and no interest in video games (her husband has a PS2) and she doesn't play it - and her mom - 60s - and no interest in video games - and my wife - early 30s - and no video game experience. I fired up WiiSports and all of them played bowling and tennis - and had a blast.

That is why the Wii is selling. You can not dupe that on the 360 or PS3, but they are trying.

Impulsvity, cool thread.