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yushire said:
Im just posting this in reply to onyxmeth's HD gaming is the future. YEAH, HD gaming is the future... in 2011. Thats three years from now, since Ninty announced a Wii HD in 2011 in news before. We're talking about NOW the present the more important I mean lets admit it, do you all really think these HD consoles could go on till 2011 do you all really think the PS3 could go on 8 years from now? Just reflect that to the current situations we are now...

Exactly my point. It's only three years from now. All of these companies that had to take losses getting themselves set up for the real HD era(next generation, not this one) will be the ones ready with engines and assets and experience to create great games for lower costs. It's going to be publishers like Hudson and Majesco, who ignored the HD consoles in favor of Wii-only development that will be playing catch-up with engine building, and experiencing the "hardships" of HD development start-up. HD costs aren't going to come down that much in three years to make it much easier on them.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.