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I never said Take Two was in a good position. I merely asked for proof that GTA IV and Bioshock haven't turned a profit. That was the OP's original argument before he "moved the goal posts" to mean Take Two itself. Take Two is in terrible shape, and I don't think any shift into Wii development is going to change that. Maybe a change in management and a restructuring of the company will though.

Your points about Steam being the reason for Valve, WoW being the reason for Blizzard and Epic being an anomaly are irrelevent. My point was disproving that the Wii was absolutely needed or else. I have done that by showing strong business models that do not involve the Wii at all. Their methods of gaining those funds have no relevance to the argument. They just have winning business models, and I proved a winning business model can be achieved without the the Wii's involvement. Nothing more, nothing less.

The HD model is not bad. It is the future. One day Nintendo will join in and will show that it can be profitable. The problem is not HD but the bad and sloppy management that has benefitted from not having to make crucial decisions. HD is nothing more than the curtain being opened, showing the inadequacies in studio and publisher management. If they tighten their ships, they will cease to have these problems. This is not saying that Wii development is not a good avenue to take, because it is. Same as the DS. So is Mobile gaming. So is PC gaming. There are many good avenues to take, but saying the Wii is the only way is just rediculous, and that is what Yushire always has to say in regards to these matters.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.