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my favorite part:

IGN: When the game was announced, it caused a bit of chatter on the pop culture blog-o-sphere because more than a few people were offended by the title and gameplay that has you force feeding a princess until she's portly. Were you expecting that type of reaction? What's your response to it?

Craig Leigh: The Princess loves some cake. Give the girl a break. If you bring her some from the Forest, she will savor every last crumb. And to be clear, there is no force feeding involved. The blog-o-spheric response was way over the top, pretty hilarious, and in the end showed that the overwhelmingly vast majority of people still have a sense of humor. And to those who don't – keep up the good work. We love you, too. If anyone is wondering if the game will still be called Fat Princess at release… why, yes it will.


Sounds like it's coming along really well. Can't wait to play this in early 09.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka