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in some way

A portion of a Destructoid interview with Seth Killian, Capcom’s Community Manager…

Dtoid: Starting simply, why isn’t Tatsunoko vs Capcom coming to the United States?

Seth Killian, Capcom’s Community Manager: We’ve had some licensing challenges, and if you’ve read the Capcom-Unity blog, I’m a big fan of the game and posting all the material I have on it up there, cause it’s a great, great fun new experience, but the licensing hurdles …

You know, Tatsunoko is all owned by…Tatsunoko in Japan. And in the West, they’re not. A lot of challenges there, but we’ve definitely recognized interest from a lot of people, and we’re looking to try and find a way to get Tatsunoko vs Capcom action to Western fans.

Dtoid: So there is a chance Tatsunoko vs Capcom will come to the United States?

: Yes

Full interview here