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So here is the deal. I won a Xbox 360 Elite through a raffle (I bought it to help a friend in need). I wasn`t even sure if I would keep it, considering the game library is not very good (at least for me). I got it on December 6 and decided to at least play some of the exclusives before selling it. I have played for long periods of time (6+ hours), but I have not played every day. I got 3RL on the second day, but it happened just once so I ignored it. Today, I haven`t touched the console all day. I turn it on and ... 3RL. I remeber the second day experience and try not to panic. Tur it on again and ... 3RL, only on the 6th try it turned green. I remember people saying that even though you can play after you got a RROD, you can break the console for good and I don`t want to take chances.

Now the problem is that I have to pay to get it fixed to even sell it. There is no MS support in my area (it is US console) and the concole is modded (not really my choice). 12 days, is this a new record?

Note: on the back of the console it says it was made on 12/03/2008.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."