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To puffy:

I do still think they delayed the game for the Wii Launch. If you look at the game in the Spring and then Summer of 2005, it was really polished and the areas they showed and basically the exact design that it was released with.

They probably added a lot more to it, not saying that, but I do think the big reason why it was delayed was because of the Wii. It is a wise business move. It is, I am not going to argue with that. They needed something to launch the Wii off and the Gamecube wasn't exactly the best with sales. So with TP launching side by side with the Wii, it was a win win because then they had the hardcores and the casuals wanting the system.

If you still don't believe it, look at the release dates. TOTALLY BUSINESS: They released TP for the Wii in November. And the Gamecube version in December. Now for a game that was first a Gamecube game and then ported to the Wii, that is backwards. But if you look at it in a business related sense, it is smart. Zelda fans usually get the games right away. So most likely they would pick it up on the Wii. Of course they didn't announce the TP Wii Support when the delay happened, but again, look at the business point of view. It made the Wii even more wanted.

Like when I released my Zelda fan game, I was smart and did little tricks like that, to make my game more wanted so that when it came out, people wanted to play it. It is smart advertising.