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BTFeather55 said:
Just because people are willing to tell you truths you don't like to hear like the Wii has the fewest highly reviewed games by far of any console so far this gen if you look at sites like Game Rankings, that the Wii's sales and popularity don't seem to be justified by much of anything in comparison to what the other consoles offer, or that it's tech is more last gen than current gen when you compare it to the multi-core architecture found in the 360, PS3, and modern PCs that doesn't mean that they are trolling. They just aren't falling for the party line that says the Wii is humanity's best invention since spaghetti and meatballs and trying to give you honest opinions.


I agree. The people who feel like you aren't falling for the trap Nintendo set, whereas the rest of the world is. Damn you Nintendo, making something I don't like. I'll vent my frustration out somewhere. But where, oh where?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS