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Ok, so I beat ToS2 today, I absolutly loved it, awsome story, good charaters and all. Basically DO NOT listen to the reviews. They are all bullshit. If you played and like the first one this one is like a 9.5... also if you ever wanted a Active battle Pokemon... well here you go. Now if I were to rate it as a stand alone game I would have to give it a 8.5, because the main story is very completeable in 30 hours, and while graphics are never an issue in the game, they could have been better (graphic are basically the same as Tos1's). But the fact the story is only 30 hours plays to its advantage (if you have it you know what I mean) besided the first act, the story never drags, there is very little do this 2 hour quest to get this gem so you can open the door to this dungeon type stuff... Very direct. The game is very story oriented, less dungeon oriented. Voice acting is good imo too.

Lol I got carried away here... ok to the point

I beat ToS1 and loved it, but I caught myself at many points in the game thinking that if I had not played Tos1 I would be SOOOO lost right now. I think they could easily fit both games on 1 duel layered Wii disc. I have a feeling there is a decent group of people who want to play it, but have never played the first so they have not bothered yet.

Anyways.. I want to buy ToS 1 again now... my brother lost the 1st disc when I lent it to him over a year ago (so he could play tos2 when it released)


End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut