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Everybody keeps saying that the wii sold more than n64, next is snes and sometime down the line the NES, people even  say that it'll continue to sell to beat the almighty PS2 someday. My question is: DS keeps outselling wii on a weekly basis, and it is on its 5th year, and handhelds (specially nintendo's) are known to have longer longevity than home consoles, at this rate, do you think that the wii will ever catch the DS?

I personally, find it unlikely, even if it has a 10 year lifetime, which I  think it could have, you know, like PSOne, PS2, etc, the "leader" consoles (lifetime is dictated by consumers, not by companies). I think that DS will go on to be the top selling console ever untill probably next gen or something like that.

Anyways, I marvel at nintendo and their marvelous business plan (both for Wii and DS), way to go, so happy to see the underdog do so good, only Rocky can ever compare, LOL

Your thoughts?

Listen to the voice of reason, then do as I say.