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I don't use the forums that much but you're wasting your time. Nobody's listening. Many sites allow constant trolling under the guise of discussion and give the thumps up because they label it as simple difference of opinion. I believe all sides except hippie gamers know that's nonsense. Some possible solutions? You could just ignore certain users but I find it hard to even remember people's name so that might not work out so well. Every site should add the feature GT has. Ignore list. No more trolls. You don't even know they're in the thread. Find a new game site forum or make your own. I came to the conclusion that theres really only so many times you can complain until it's your own fault for even coming back. Then you really have to ask yourself, Do you really care or value what random people think? If they died tomorrow would you know? Would you care? Most likely, no. Once you put things in perspective trolling just becomes Meh or you end up facepalming alot. It's not important. Talk to people you like stay away from those you don't.