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Please in the name of all that is decent, sane, and humane do the honorable thing. Start swinging those ban hammers you have like Viking broad swords. I do not know if you have bothered to notice, but we are hip deep in trolls and trolling now. We are infested with a plague of unprecedeneted proportions. The lunatics are running the asylum. Every topic is going right into the crapper in less then ten minutes, and now they are just getting sadistic. I have never recalled seeing these forums ever get so nasty. Big flipping deal the 360 is doing good, and the PS3 is not doing good. That is no reason to be forming up posses, and openly reveling in fanboy trolling.

Please start handing out warnings and bans. Hell ban my ass for a week just send the thirty forum denizens that have set up shop under the bridge with me. I think there are dozens of posters desperately looking for a week long vacation. This is not sport its madness, and it isn't discussion its sticking your finger in other peoples eyes. I just saw three posters nitpick the definition of the word nearly devouring almost an entire post between them. I also saw name calling, and one poster has to be an alt. Less then two months here averaging twenty posts a day with over a thousand posts. That has to be a troll.

Whatever it takes to bring these forums back to a semblence of sanity. Ban my ass for a week I volunteer. I will not hold a grudge. I am sure others would freely offer to be mowed down in a purge. I cannot be the only one sick of this nonsense. Put an end to this fanboy war ban everybody remotely involved. All it does is make this site look bad. This used to be a bastion of good discussion, and now its all about being small minded, and being petty. Please become the epic assholes I know you can be. Don't you see its apparent we need a good ass kicking if posters are to start behaving again. There is no reasoning with us. We cannot behave without a good beating.

I am sad to see a good community being raped by assholes and idiots. When I know that it used to be so much better. Please find it in your hearts to do the right thing. Toss us in the cooler for a week. We absolutely deserve it.