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leo-j said:

I honestly dont know..but before the price cut the 360 wasnt outselling the ps3.


 Actually after the MGS4 month of June the 360 and PS3 were pretty much neck and neck up until the price cut.

From 1st July to 13th Sept (day before price cut) PS3 sold 1.6m worldwide and 360 sold 1.5m worldwide. So i think if there was not a price cut for the 360 it still would of gone to outsell the PS3 in holiday period.

A real problem for the PS3 fanboys is they are so pissed off that they forget to see that the 3 months following MGS4 the 360 was only outsold by 100k worldwide by the PS3. That is not very much is it considering now the 360 outsells it 350k a week worldwide. To me that shows the 360 was still compeating with the PS3 and doing ok before the price cut. I think if there was no price cut the 360 would of still gone on to sell more in the holiday period then the PS3. But guess were never know hey.