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kowenicki said:
PalmiNio said:
chaospluto said:

Why am I not surprised?  Well I mean come on, it's only the MOST wanted item on anyones Christmas list this year.  DS and Wii are both wanted by everyone, their HUGE.

Wii is hot, it's been hot ever since it's release, why would I be surprised!?

PS3 "hasn't" been hot ever since it's release, so you tell me why I think PS3 and PSP are doing really good considering their state?

Hasn't been hot? Hot for what?

They released some great games this year, looking at list they even have better +90 games.

Major title like MGS4 which is the same uber heavy leauge as Halo 3 was for 360. Strong winter with followups from release hits like Resistance adn Motorstorm. Launch of Home, Launch of DS 3 outside Japan, Little Big Planet that must got the biggest presscoverage this year, WipeOut HD

Saying PS3 hasn't been hot this year is kind of bad. In my eye's the exklusive race this year goes to Sony. Yes they have more ammo but this year was a big load out.

It is a game machine and as far it goes for games they done good this year compared to 2006 and 2007. Crossplattform games doesn't suck that bad as they used to compared 2 360 and the exklusive games showed of some great power.

I blame on the price and the poor sale is due to lowest value per dollar in consumers eyes but not the Games or Hype cause PS3 got them plenty.

wow.  how far off the mark are you here!!  hype yes... sales  nope.


True that the SW sales hasn't been good, but that doesn't give away that Sony didn't try. The Game front of 2008 was 10 times better then 2007.

Don't know why PS3 is selling so "few" games of the big titles, strange since pircay is impossible on PS3 and way to simple on 360. 

So yeah in term of SW sales it is not hot but saying that Sony didn't try this years is wrong. This was supposed to be ther Year of the PS3 and with all the hype Sony created many belived it to be so......and it looked pretty good the first half. Maybe the should have talked Konami in to delaying MGS until the winter so they could battle Gears 2 better, don't know. But the games of PS3 this year was damn good.

Predictions for 2009:

360: 39-42 PS3: 31-34 Wii: 67-70

Future projection

Wii will hit 100 million before christmas 2010 (made december 2008)

NDS Family will have sold and shipped more then PS2 at the end of 2009 (made january 2009)