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GTAIV08 said:
DirtyP2002 said:
dolemit3 said:
While PS3's yoy drop is understandable, PSP's and PS2's are troubling.


 why is it understandable?

  • there are more games
  • it is the same price (or even cheaper?
  • it is a new SKU

what about all thos arguements like "when HDTVs are more spread, the PS3 will pick up in sales, because of BluRay" or "There are 120 million PS2-Users and they will upgrade to PS3 during Xmas"

I have heard this over and over again.


yes you are right. everyone was expecting ps3 to sell 120 million this year! im shocked it didnt!!

no one expected Sony to sell 120 million PS3s this year but a lot of people were execting it to sell more especially when things were going right during the summer. However, right now it looks like PS3 would fall short of the general expectation for the shipment in 2008 as you can see from a lot of vgchartz users signatures...


MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.