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Ok my question really goes out to a system at launch. I'm going to describe how a console launches and then I'm going to ask the question. Ok, Xbox 360 launches Microsoft has some good first-party titles out and also some third-party games out too. As the console progress threw the months third-parties start to support the system because the console sales are rising. Ok then the PS3 launches and it has some sub-par games but really some good ones. And the sales for that console are slow to reach higher expectations for third-parties. Then we have fans of the system say "Just wait for the games to come out for the system in the coming months". Really developers don't want to make games on a system that has really low sales with the other to with higher sales and they know they won't return profit because of the sales of the PS3. My question really regards to who responiblity is it for to increase sales for the hardware. Is it Sony's or the third parties?? This isn't flame bait but a question. I hope its not confusing.