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zexen_lowe said:

I think that your problem is that you don't accept that in RPGs (and in most games in general) there are two different levels (the story level and the gameplay level) that are not interchangeble. Thus, what anyone can do in the gameplay level does not correlate to what that guy can do in the story level. You can criticize that distinction all you want, but if you don't accept it you're gonna suffer quite a bit of disappointments while playing.

To give some examples of the distinction between those levels, it's like saying "why don't they use a Phoenix Down in Aerith after Sephiroth slaughters her? I have tons of them!" in Final Fantasy VII or "How did they shoot me? Dante can evade all the bullets in the cutscenes!!" in Devil May Cry.


I'd rather take a game that, even using that "level distinction technique", can deliver a deep, complex and captivating story like FFT, Suikoden, Persona 3/4, FF VII/VIII/X, Chrono Cross, etc. a thousand times over a game that they can't even put together a story like Dragon Quest VIII


There are many games where there is not a story and gameplay distinction. Several Final Fantasy games handle this marvelously, God of War does it, Ninja Gaiden does it, God Hand is great about it, Mario and Zelda and Kirby and the Mother series... I could go on!