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KylieDog said:
Imthelegend said:
KylieDog said:

Although I have never played the game, I cannot imagine that MGS4 has the worst storyline in gaming history. If you are being serious can you explain why it is so?




Because it has so any MGS series, as well as self contradictions, because a lot of answers to long running questions were complete cop outs, because it cannot even manage a timeline that doesn't contradict events.


Sure, loads of games do this, but if I'm playing Mario or Sonic and the story seems bollocks, I don't give a crap, it is expected.  With MGS series, as far fetched as some antics seem, they at least intertwine well and make sense in their own context.  MGS4 abandoned all that.  It also did not answer all questions as people keep claiming, and it raised plenty of new questions which it failed to answer.


Like when a good kid does something bad, parents are dissapointed, but if a rotten kid does something bad there is no disaapointment as it was expected.


 whoa.... way to dodge the question.....  did u play MGS4?  i agree the phole patriots thing was way out there but the story was one of the best out there.... just because it involdes other MGS games into the story is bad? All MGS stories have a fafetched twist to them.... BEE man hellooooo..... and what questions were not answered exactly?   yeh new questions arose... i dont mind that since i dont want the series to die....