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scottie said:
You assume that there are only 2 days in the year on which Zelda Wii could be announced - E3 or that October conference. Why not announce in August for a November release? 3 months between announcement and release, as with Mario Kart.

Also, he didn't say that it wouldn't be announced at E3, just that it might not be


The key here is definitely the implication that it "could be" announced at E3 which, gives off some information about where it's at in the development cycle.  This is especially true if you consider their publicly stated policy of keeping titles close to the vest until they are ready to launch in the short term.

With that said I have to agree that assuming these two specific days are the only possible days to announce the next Zelda game is somewhat naive in this case.  With most games I think it would be a relatively safe assumption, but with a Zelda title the news is easily big enough for it to reverberate around the gaming world all on its own without the need for a convention to boost it up.  In fact a convention, and the gluttony of news that it entails, could dampen the impact of the announcement.  If it were my call, which it obviously isn't, I would do it between E3 and TGS or right after TGS (assuming the game is ready for an '09 release), and then back it up with a big media blitz before a late November release.

To Each Man, Responsibility