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greenmedic88 said:

Umbrella Chronicles is a horrible example simply because it is practically the sole exception for Wii soft sales trends. Why not mention Manhunt 2?

If Umbrella Chronicles was the sole exception (it's not), it would be because it's the only third party game on the Wii with a big franchise's name attached and wasn't completely terrible.

Guitar Hero III sells incredibly well on the Wii and is only trailing the 360 version by a hair. Rock Band didn't sell nearly as much. Why? Probably because the Wii version of the first one was horribly delayed and missing tons of major features the HD one. Guitar Hero 3 had all the same features as the HD versions minus DLC, and World Tour has that and more and it's outselling the 360 version already.

People aren't going to buy cheap stripped down versions of titles when they've got the alternative to buy the true version. It's why a lot of handheld versions of big games don't sell well, because unless there is something to suggest otherwise, people assume it's a cheap hack job of the console version.

Sonic and the Secret Rings outsold Sonic 06' on both HD consoles combined. And you can't simply ignore the Guitar Hero series with some "oh it's a party game excuse". They're both big franchise names and they weren't grossly inferior to the HD versions of the games.

And as for Manhunt 2, what about it? It's an inferior sequel to obscure controversial title that no one cared about whose only major selling point was taken away by the ESRB, delayed, and not advertised. And it sold almost as much on the Wii as it did on the PS2. The Wii version was both the most censored version, and the most expensive, yet it also grossly outsold the PSP (A platform with TWO former Exclusive GTA titles) version despite the smaller install base.

And as someone who actually PLAYED and BEATEN Manhunt 2, I say it didn't deserve to sell. The Wii specific controls are mostly poor. The game is only about 8 hours long with no replay value, yet it feels like they only had three hours worth of content they had to stretch. It has a terrible storyline that desperately tries to elevate the game above "just go kill shit". (Something the first Manhunt actually embraced) And half-way through the game it transforms from a mediocre stealth game, to a lousy third person shooter.

I sincerely hope that Take-Two are actually using Bully as an example of their main title stuff not doing well on the Wii and not Manhunt 2.