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RolStoppable said:
StarcraftManiac said:
RolStoppable said:

I think you've missed my post way down on the first page. I said that Q1 2004 for the Gamecube, a comparable time period, was worse.

 Might've been so! But better then to try to fill that gap with ports of N64 games with dual analog controlls and rumble support! That's basically the same! And yes, that WOULD have been a disgrace! Also, Cube was already on its way downhill pretty big in 2004... Wii has the best period for a console EVER! And Q1 09 will pretty much be in-line with what it did last year, so pretty good hw sales!

There's a significant difference between N64 to GC ports and GC to Wii ports, the latter actually adds something to the gameplay. The GC was still doing pretty good in 2004, it only started to get really bad from the second half of 2005 onwards. Don't rewrite history just to suit your lousy argument. I have to admit though that your Mario Kart Wii and SSBB bashing thread was much worse than this one.


 When did I bash MKWii and Brawl?! I actually bested you in the timetrials in MkWii ... That means I actually Put some time in the game and enjoyed it! But ýour taking it off-topic!

EDIT: There's no difference in my comparison; The effort would be the same! Only thing that you might mean is the graphical gap between N64-GC and the LACK of the change in graphics between Cube-Wii... Which could ALSO be used as an argument for my case! Instead of yours, but it's just the way you interpret that!

EDIT 2: Austria is a beautiful country! Love the mountains and the nature there! Have you ever been in The Netherlands? Only flat... It sucks! I wanna go back to the mountains


Have to learn for like 1 hour right now; Will be back to argue with you and Benga in 1.5 hours ! Can't wait~!