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This is also IGN Australia, which has been praising the PS3 a lot this year so it's to be expected really. This was a good year for the PS3 overall and both consoles improved tons over last years lineup which was really barren for good titles... last year when this same game review score vs Wii came up it was them twisting numbers around to get it to be % of games released on console with 7.5+ review score which quality and quantity wise Wii was stomping both consoles. This year started out great for the Wii and much better then the crap being peddled Q1 and Q2 for the HD consoles but then Wii's year looked horrible cause they didn't end strong like the HD consoles did even though this year Wii still has the 3 of the best games with the only things competing being LBP, L4D and MGS4

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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