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Check the forum. Look at any topic announcing a JRPG exclusive for 360. Each thread immediately got bombarded by a bunch of whining PS3 fanboys. It got to point where I didn't even want to look at the thread because I knew the usually suspects would show up and cry about how the game is on 360 and not PS3.

I know that I and few others had been saying Eternal Sonata was overrated when it was still 360 exclusive and then fanboys started saying "your only saying that because its coming to PS3" after the port was announced. Of course that claim went away after they actually played the game.

Gebx may take joy in watching PS3 fans meltdown but I find it sad and annoying. Any JRPG to 360 thread features and instant meltdown. I wish I had BengaBenga's thought process. I would have made a an "Official Bitch About 360 JRPGs Thread" in the Sony forums. That way 360 owners looking forward to the games could discuss them in their threads without wading through pages of PS3 fanboy flamebait.